Jack and June

Haven Swing Set

Item #: JJ-HAVEN

$1,799.99 $2,299.99Check Local Sales Price

  • PROVIDES YEARS OF OUTDOOR FUN — Swing set provides years of healthy outdoor fun for your children and safe slide option
  • MODERN, RUSTIC APPEAL — Modern, rustic appeal using grayscale stain with natural wood accents and three different deck heights
  • NATURALLY RESISTANT — This must-have backyard playset is made of naturally decay and insect resistant cedar
  • ACCESSORIES INCLUDE — Two slides, standard step ladder, rock wall, fire pole, two belt swings, telescope, racing wheel, and port window
  • HARDWARE AND HANDLES INCLUDED — All swing hardware, chains, and safety handles are included
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Inspire active play and creativity with all the elements kids love. The Jack & June Haven Outdoor Playset provides years of healthy outdoor fun for both younger and older children. Choose from either 4 foot or 8 foot slides to allow all ages to experience safe, fun sliding. The Haven has three entry and exit points available, and three different deck heights. The wooden swing set includes two belt swings, telescope, steering wheel, fireman’s pole, rock climbing wall with a climbing rope, standard step ladder, port window, and safety handles. All swing hardware and chains are included. This must-have backyard playset is made of naturally decay and insect resistant cedar. Ignite imaginations with Jack & June’s Haven.

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Belt Playset Swing

Belt Playset Swing
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Playset Telescope
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Playset Race Car Wheel

Playset Race Car Wheel

10" Safety Grab Swing Set Handle

10" Safety Grab Swing Set Handle
Two Kids Playing on Jack and June Haven Swing Set


Modern Finish

Uses greyscale stain and natural wood accents

Rot Resistant Lumber

100% High-quality cedar construction and naturally resistant to decay, rot, & mold

Safety First

Follows ASTM Standards


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Jack and June

Haven Swing Set

2 slides, rock wall, fire pole, two belt swings, telescope, racing wheel, and port window, 3 deck levels
15'7" L x 13'8" W x 10'3" H
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4' & 8'
450 lbs.
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