Multi-Level Playhouse 5' Cedar Swing SetSilverback
Multi-Sport Rebound Passback NetSilverback
Swing Set Basketball and HoopWoodplay
Swing Set Hanger Kit for 4” x 4” BeamsWoodplay
Swing Set Hanger Kit for 4” x 6” BeamsBe the first to know when new playset items drop on our website by browsing this selection. You can also subscribe at any time to our marketing emails and text messages to be notified when new releases are on the way. We can't wait to see the fun that you and your family have playing outside together!
Our newest product launch is from the Jack and June brand! We recently introduced a canopy cover that pairs nicely with the Jungle Gym climbing structure. This canopy cover can be purchased separately or sold in a set with the Jungle Gym climbing dome included. This canopy cover can serve as a fun hide n seek spot, a new hangout for your kiddos, a shaded area to take a break, or as a tent to spend the night under outside in the backyard!
There is an extra window on top of the canopy cover that can let the sunshine in or you can close it off with a zipper. This can be a comfortable shady that allows more air flow into your Jungle Gym.
Another new product we offer is our seesaw, now available in cedar wood. The cedar see saw includes two handles and all the necessary hardware to install in only 15 to 20 minutes. This teeter totter is a great, fun activity to get your kids outside.
We are also proud to offer our new wave slide! If you're refurbishing an old playset, or looking to upgrade your Haven or Haven II to this new style, check out our new improved designed slide! This wave slide measures 10 feet long and is made with high borders for user safety!
Keep checking back on this page for new playset additions and accessories! Please let us know if you have any questions as you browse our selection of backyard playset products!